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last edited
by Cathy van Eck 14 years, 10 months ago
List of Works for Instrument + Electroacoustics
From time to time the question has come up in private or on email lists such as cec-conference: “Do you know of any pieces for X instrument and electronics?”. And so began this list.
Your contributions to this resource are welcome!
Solo Instruments
- Peter Ablinger — Piccolo und Rauschen (1986) piccolo and tape
- Peter Ablinger — IEAOV (“Red on Maroon”), Flöte (1989/99) piccolo, flute, bassflute and live electronics
- Ignacio Baca–Lobera — Tempo III (1997) flute and tape
- Antoine Beuger — silent understanding (1993) flute and tape
- Clarence Barlow — …until…, version 8 (1972/1981) piccolo and pure wave oscillator
- Paul Dibley — Back to fore (1999) flute and live-electronics
- Karlheinz Essl — inside/out (2006) inside flute, live-electronics and 4-channel sound projection
- Walter Feldmann — tellement froid que (1995/96) bass flute and live electronics
- Dror Feiler — Like tears is rain (1998) flute, tape and video
- Dror Feiler — Salutacíon angelica (2005) amplified piccolo, tape and video
- Brian Ferneyhough — Mnemosyne (1986) bass flute and tape
- Roman Haubenstock–Ramati / Bernhard Lang — morendo - double/echo (1991/2003) bass flute and tape
- Michael Manion — Constellations (1974) flute and live electronics
- Alvin Lucier — Still and Moving Lines of Silence in Families of Hyperbolas (1973–74) flute, pure wave oscillator
- Bruno Maderna — Musica su due dimensioni (1957) flute and stereophonic tape
- Michael Maierhof — splitting 17 (2003 / 14:30) flute, tape and video
- André O. Möller — blue/dense (2003) bass flute and live-sampling
- Luigi Nono — Post-prae- ludium n. 3 “BAAB-ARR” (1988 [unfinished] / dur. var.) piccolo flute and live electronics
- Christoph Ogiermann — Für Flöte (1998) tape and electronics
- Steve Reich — Vermont Counterpoint (1982) piccolo, flute, altoflute and tape
- Roger Reynolds — Transfigured Wind IV (1984) flute and computer generated sounds
- Paul Steenhuisen (CAN) — cette obscure clarté qui tombe des étoiles (2000 / 4:00) flute and CD
- Chiyoko Szlavnics — Eva Hesse (with CN) (2007) flute, tape and video
- Helmut Zapf — Albedo (1999) bass flute and tape
- Serge Arcuri (CAN) — Errances (1992) oboe d’amore, harp, and tape
- Serge Arcuri (CAN) — La porte des sables (1989) oboe, English horn, MIDI percussion, and tape
- Luciano Berio — Sequenza
- Jonty Harrison — A Vent
- Heinz Holliger — Cardiophonie (1971) oboe and three magnetophones
- Don Malone — Quack Quack (year?) electrified oboe and electromuser
- Harald Münz — The Self-Composer (1999 - 2002) oboe and computer
- Roger Reynolds - Summer Island (1984) oboe and computer generated sounds
- Edwin Roxburgh — At the Still Point of the Turning World… (1976) oboe and electronics
Published by UMP. Recorded on New Ground (Oboe Classics, CC2003): Paul Goodey, oboe.
- Paul Steenhuisen (CAN) — recipes for the common man (2001 / 10:00) oboe and CD
- Hans Tutschku — Shore (2007) oboe and live-electronics
Score and recording available onn the composer’s website.
- Michael Young — Argrophylax (year?) oboe and interactive computer
Recorded on Oboe+ : Berio And Beyond (2006): Christopher Redgate, oboe.
- Bob Pritchard (CAN) — Strength (2006) alto saxophone, sound files, video, and Max/MSP
- Luigi Nono — Post-prae-ludium n. 1 “per Donau” (1987 / 13:00) tuba and live electronics
- Paul Steenhuisen — Now is a Creature (1997, rev. 2003 / 9:00) trombone and live electronics
Percussion (solo and group)
- Annesley Black (CAN) — Smooche de la Rooche II (2007 / 18:00) 3 athletically inclined percussionists and prepared electronics
- alcides lanza (CAN) — interferences II (1967) 6 percussionists and tape
- Luigi Nono — Con Luigi Dallapiccola (1979 / 14:00) 6 percussionists and live electronics
- Roger Reynolds — Watershed IV (1995) 25'25'' for percussion and computer
- Larry Austin — Accidents (1967/20:00) a theater piece for electronically prepared piano
Recorded on Accidents (Source Records, SR13, CPE): David Tudor, 1968.
- Larry Austin — Accidents Two: Sound Projections for Piano with Computer Music (1992/20:00) pianist and tape/electronics
- Richard Bunger — Mirrors (year?) pianist and 2 tape recorders
Recorded on The Extended Piano: alcides lanza, piano.
- Alex Burton (CAN) — structures défuntisées (2005) disklavier and live electronics (Max/MSP)
- David Cronkite (CAN) — alkM!kl kwËzËn (Alchemical Cuisine) (2005) disklavier and live electronics (Max/MSP)
- Louis Dufort — Hyper Lucidity (2005) disklavier and live electronics (Max/MSP)
- Louis Dufort (CAN) — Particules (2006) piano and video
- Rob Godman — Duel (2006) piano and sound projectionist (with optional video projection)
- alcides lanza (CAN) — plectros III (1971) piano and synthesized sounds
- Mauro Lupone — Himmel-Feuer (year?) prepared piano, bird calls and live electronics
- Luigi Nono — …sofferte onde serene… (1976/14:00) piano and tape
- Katharine Norman — Trying to Translate (1991/14:30)
Can be heard on SONUS.ca
- Bruce Pennycook (CAN) — Praescio VII [Piano… and then some]
(1994) piano and computer sounds
Recorded on Transmutations (SHELAN ESP 9601): alcides lanza, piano.
- Bob Pritchard (CAN) — Postcards From Our Futures (1989/1996) piano, sound files, optional video
- Hans Tutschku — Zellen-Linien (2007) piano and live-electronics
Microphones are not only used to treat the piano sounds but also to analyze the piano gestures, which then have an influence on the live-electronics.
Score and recording available on the composer’s website.
- Annesley Black (CAN) — 4238 De Bullion (2008) piano and live digitally processed sound and video (PD/GEM)
Interlocking layers of movement (of the pianist, recorded by a camera) and sound- live and processed.
- Bob Pritchard — Breathe On Me (2004) concert accordion, sound files, video, Max/MSP
- Volker Heyn — Blah II (1988) violin and tape
- Luigi Nono — La lontananza nostalgica utopica futura. Madrigale per più caminantes con Gidon Kremer (1988 / 60:00 [var.]) violin and 8-channel tape
- Gerard Grisey — Prolog (1976) viola and electronics
- Annesley Black (CAN) — Aorko (2009) viola and live electronics (PD)
- Bob Pritchard (CAN) — Beneath the Skin (2006) cello, sound files, video, Max/MSP
- Agostino Di Scipio — Plex (1991) contrabass and four-channel tape
- Pei-Yu Shi — Abrupter Abbruch (2007/8) contrabass and 6 speakers
Voice (solo and mixed)
Small Chamber Groups (2-5 players)
Ensemble (medium-large)
- Larry Austin — Catharsis: Open Style (year?) large and small improvisation ensembles and tape music
- Alberto C. Bernal — Through the Wall (2007/15:00) 3 percussion players, violin, violoncello, piano and electronics
Score and recording available on the composer’s website.
- Peter Castine — Ophelia und die Wörter (1976) chamber orchestra, voices, 5-track tape
A one-act “Bühnenstück mit Musik”.
- Jani Christou — Anaparastasis III “The Pianist” (1968) actor, ensemble and tape
- York Höller — Arcus (1978) 15 instruments, percussion and 4-channel tape
- York Höller — Mythos (1979) 13 instruments, percussion and 4-channel tape
- alcides lanza (CAN) — aXents (2003) chamber orchestra and tape
Recorded on Portrait de alcides lanza (Centrediscs/CMC, CMC-CD 13007), 2007.
- alcides lanza (CAN) — eidesis IV (1978) wind ensemble and tape
- Luigi Nono — A floresta é jovem and cheja de vida (1966 / 40:00) soprano, 3 recitants, clarinet, lastre di rame and tape
- Luigi Nono — Das atmende Klarsein (1981 / 43:00) bass flute, small choir, tape and live electronics
- Luigi Nono — Frammenti da “Al gran sole carico d’amore” (1976 / 55:00) solists, choir, orchestra and tape
- Luigi Nono — Guai ai gelidi mostri (1983 / 44:00) 2 contralti, flute, clarinet, tuba, viola, violoncello, contrabass and live electronics
- Luigi Nono — Io, frammento dal Prometeo (1981 / 65:00) 3 sopranos, small choir, bass flute, contrabass clarinet and live electronics
- Luigi Nono — Quando stanno morendo. Diario polacco n. 2 (1982 / 37:00) 4 women's voices, flute, cello and live electronics
- Luigi Nono — Risonanze erranti. Lianderzyklus a Massimo Cacciari (1986 / 40:00) mezzosoprano, flute, tuba, 6 percussionists and live electronics
- Paul Steenhuisen (CAN) — bread (1999 / 9:00) ensemble and soundfiles
- Diane Thome — The Palaces of Memory (year?) chamber orchestra and tape
- Barry Truax - Dominion (1991)chamber ensemble and two digital soundtracks
- Roger Reynolds — Archipelago (1982-3) 32 instruments & computer generated sounds
- Roger Reynolds — Not Only Night (A. Giraud, trans. O. Hartleben) (1988), Soprano, chamber ensamble, computer
Orchestra with Solist
- Sebastian Claren — After Blinky Palermo (2002) solo cello and orchestra, with CD playback
- York Höller — Margaritas Traum (1991) soprano, orchestra and 4-channel tape
- York Höller — Pennes (1990/92) piano, orchestra and live electronics
- York Höller — Traumspiel (nach Strindberg) (1983) soprano, orchestra and 8-channel tape
- alcides lanza (CAN) — Piano Concerto (1993) MIDI Grand piano and orchestra
- Roger Reynolds — The Dream of Infinite Rooms (1986) cello, orchestra and tape
Full Orchestra
Composer Webpages
Peter Ablinger http://ablinger.mur.at
Larry Austin http://www.music.unt.edu/cemi/larry_austin
Alberto C. Bernal http://www.albertocbernal.net
Peter Castine http://www.castine.de
Eric Chasalow http://www.ericchasalow.com
Agostino Di Scipio http://xoomer.alice.it/adiscipi
York Höller http://www.yorkhoeller.de
alcides lanza http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~alcides
Mauro Lupone http://maurolupone.com
Don Malone http://faculty.roosevelt.edu/malone
Luigi Nono Foundation http://www.luiginono.it
Katharine Norman http://www.novamara.com
Luís Antunes Pena http://icem.folkwang-hochschule.de/~pena
Bruce Pennycook http://www.pennycook.tzo.com
Bob Pritchard http://debussy.music.ubc.ca/pritchard
Paul Steenhuisen http://members.shaw.ca/steenhuisen
Karlheinz Stockhausen http://www.stockhausen.org
Hans Tutschku http://www.tutschku.com
Mathew Adkins
Kevin Austin
Larry Austin
Lawrence Casserley http://www.lcasserley.co.uk
Peter Castine http://www.castine.de
jef chippewa
David Cronkite
Chris DeLaurenti http://www.delaurenti.net
Jean-Francois Denis http://www.ymxmedia.com
Erik Drescher
Cathy van Eck
Duncan Hoot
alcides lanza http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~alcides
Sebastian Lexer
Katharine Norman http://www.novamara.com
Don Malone http://faculty.roosevelt.edu/malone
Rick Nance http://plasticmusic.net
Luís Antunes Pena http://icem.folkwang-hochschule.de/~pena
James Phelps
Hans Tutschku http://www.tutschku.com
Jorge Meletti
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