eContact! 9.4 — Perte auditive et sujets connexes / Hearing (Loss) and Related Issues
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Hearing (Loss): Resources
Acoustic Ecology
WFAE — The World Forum for Acoustic Ecology
The WFAE, “founded in 1993, is an international association of affiliated organizations and individuals, who share a common concern with the state of the world’s soundscapes.” Their online Library, with its concise and focussed list of links, and semi-annual journal, Soundscape, are two great places to start for information on AE. The theme for Soundscape 6/1 (Spring/Summer 2005) was Hearing Loss.
Audio Demonstrations (Aearo Technologies)
Several audio programmes are available on the Hearing Conservation page:
- Audio and Hearing Loss Demonstrations (15 min.) — demonstrations of hearing loss and tinnitus; basic concepts in acoustics and noise-measurement
- Listening in Noise: The Virtues of High-Fidelity Hearing Protectors (16 min.) — explanation of flat-and moderate-attenuation hearing protectors; the characteristics and benefits of such devices
- The intimacy of sound: Acoustical literacy and the joy of hearing (60 min.) — acoustics and the wonders of hearing, suitable for a general audience
- Radio interview broadcast in the summer of 2004 on WNYU radio (30 min.) — noise pollution and community activism; music and noise; the effects of noise and the importance of hearing protection
- Interview for GiantEar Web Radio in April 2006 (33 min.) — noise and hearing related issues, hearing testing, as well as the New York City noise ordinance
Audiologists and Audio Consultants
Mark Lachance & Associates / Elise Menard
4479, rue Ste-Catherine ouest • +1 514 931 4555
AAC — Audiology Awareness Campaign (Columbia SC USA)
Online hearing test, brochures on hearing loss and hearing aids, Q&A Board, find an Audiologist in your area, and more.
Online resource, free registration for access to articles/resources on otolaryngology (eg. hearing loss, tinnitus).
H.E.A.R. — Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers
A non-profit hearing information resource for musicians and music lovers. Many resources, news items and articles. Extensive categorised link list.
Aearo Technologies
Industrial and consumer solutions for hearing protection.
Castle Group (Scarborough UK)
Industrial vibration and sound meters, level control meters, rental of equipment, training courses, books etc.
Etymotic Research (IL USA)
“A research, development and manufacturing company [whose] mission is to design high-fidelity products to measure, improve and protect hearing.” Since 1983.
Audiology and Communication Disorders: Otolaryngology Resources on the Internet
SOURCE: Links page from Baylor College of Medicine, Bobby R. Alford Department of Otorhinolaryngology. (Aearo Technologies)
A number of articles, data sheets and (re-)publications are available in the Hearing Conservation section. Also up-to-date information on seminars, conferences and meetings, as well as information on recent changes to noise regulations.
Health & Safety
See Noise and Sound Level Regulations, below.
Hearing Protection
See separate page in this WIKI on earplugs.
Hearing Tests
Descriptions of the various hearing tests are found on a separate page in this WIKI on hearing tests.
Noise and Sound Level Regulations
WHO — World Health Organization > Prevention of Deafness and Hearing Impairment
A number of documents, publications and resources are available in this section of the WHO website related to care and prevention of hearing. The WHO’s “strategic target is to eliminate 50% of the burden of avoidable hearing loss by the year 2010.”
CBC Marketplace: Noise Pollution > Noise regulations in Canada
From a 7 November 2001 broadcast, this page features a basic overview of the different roles and responsibilities the federal, provincial and municipal governments have in noise ordinance, as well as a summary of regulations in other countries. Further articles and documentation about noise pollution and related issues, as well as a number of other resources are available on the site.
CCOHS — Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety is an impartial Canadian federal government agency based in Hamilton, Ontario, which serves to support the vision of eliminating all Canadian work-related illnesses and injuries. A document entitled “Measurement of Workplace Noise” is available on their website.
Safety Guidelines for the Live Performance Industry in Ontario
Patching Associates Acoustical Engineering Newsletter — Noise Regulations (#3, March 1995). Alberta.
DEFRA — Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs > Environmental Protection: Noise
Documention of noise emission standards in various industries, events and conferences, and a number of associated links specific to the UK.
HSE — Health and Safety Executive > Noise at Work
Noise Pollution
Noise Pollution Clearinghouse
American non-profit organization with extensive resources about noise and noise pollution. Includes listing of Noise Regulations & Ordinances across the USA. Site also features a searchable database library of articles, quiet places and other resources.
Right to Quiet Society for Soundscape Awareness and Protection
Articles, government resources and regulations, legal assistance tips; lists of home appliances with lower noise levels, of silent retreats, silent places to eat etc.; extensive links.

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